Thursday 13 February 2020

milestone 2

Creating the Rhino definition was daunting at first, however it became enthralling to see all the variations possible with a few sliders. 

So much to chose from. 

All of these were so interesting, but I landed on a shape that is particularly difficult to create within a ceramic wheel thrown sense. 

The 3D print was not successful the first time as per usual. 

Holly the tech helped me out and that was incredible! I could create a mold successfully in class with my fantastic partner Jasmine. :)

Some small fractures from tiny undercuts, However this will be fixable during slip casting. 

Cant wait to make more forms!

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Milestone 1 The All knowing Owl

I don't feel that I am all knowing yet, however the owl is a representation to look at what I have learned and what I am going to learn.

Remembering to Persevere

I believe it is easy to start out with Circles, Polygons and Points.

I do have a challenge with moving those curves around, the circle and polygon.
I don't feel that I have a lot of control in doing so. 

Here we have my first 3 accomplished renders 

I did have a problem with Mirror, and being able to control where that is mirroring from. Or having Multiple mirror functions. 

Came to This problem and realized it was because a task was opened in Rhino!

 Used the Scale tool in order to size my piece down to the constraints of the 200 x 200. 

Explored Box Array As well

I am a huge lover of owls, So I happily landed on this design. 

Friday 17 January 2020

My First Definition

I found this tutorial mildly helpful, I'm not sure where I would use Biarcs however it did provide some ability to get comfortable within rhino. 

Here are some snap shots of going through the tutorial

Things can break and get out of hand!

Looked into creating Biarcs with Circles.

Interested with attempting to change the Z plane. This tended to break the biarc. 

Curious as to why the loft wont work this way. 

Tried to make a Z access Bi arc to further understand what its drawing purpose is.

This curiosity slipped and I decided to make something "pretty."

The Magnitude of my grasshopper design!

Interested in learning more! Want to know how I can apply this to my own art practice. :)